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Regional Territories 4

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Stories 4

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 - Jason Tepper

Hello wrestling fans! Thank you for joining me in my latest column reliving the glory years of professional wrestling.  

What is it that compels a person to change his entire outlook on life?  Everyone has personal motives for their actions, even when these actions may confuse others.  This month we will recap the heel turn of a member of the Family, a business partner in the Headlock Two Ranch, and one of Dusty Rhodes childhood friends, Cowboy Ron Bass.

Back in the day, when each territory had their own regional champion, they would receive a title shot against the world heavyweight champion when he would come to  town to defend the belt. Harley Race had just regained the NWA World Heavyweight Title for a seventh time and was scheduled to wrestle an opponent from the Florida territory.  Ron Bass was the Southern Heavyweight Champion at the time of the title defense.  CWF Committee instead chose the most popular wrestler in the state of Florida, Dusty Rhodes.  Dusty would receive the title shot.  Bass wasnąt totally out of the picture for the title match.  He was chosen to be the special referee.

Ron Bass never let his feelings show about getting passed over and not receiving the title shot.  Again, Dusty and Bass were long time friends.  In an interview, Dusty said that the title shot he received against Harley Race and a chance to become World Heavyweight Champion for a third time meant a lot to himself and his fans, but nothing more than the friendship of the friends that he can count on one hand and Ronny Bass was one.  Actually, it was Ron Bass who originally asked Dusty to come to Florida to help him battle the Texas Outlaws and the other men who were threatening to take over the state.

Ron Bass was the Southern Heavyweight Champion and it is understandable why he was upset when passed over as Harley Race's challenger.  "I deserve that match!" claimed Bass.  "I earned the right to face Harley Race and I just donąt understand why I'm being passed over in favor of Dusty Rhodes."  Bass wasn't questioning Dusty's ability, just the fact that he should be the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Title.  Now, on to the match...  

The match took place at the Eddie Graham Sports Stadium in Orlando, Florida.  The crowd was electric, expecting their local hero to capture the World's Heavyweight Title for a third time.  The action was grueling and emotional for both participants.  Ron Bass called the match right down the middle;  impartial to both participants, and the match went on for a good forty five minutes.  Dusty put Harley Race in one of his favorite submission holds, the figure four leg lock.  Behind his back, Ron Bass, the special referee climbed to the top of the ropes.  Then it happened.  Bass delivered a knee drop to the head of Dusty Rhodes.  The crowd was stunned, Dusty was stunned! Bass continued to pummel his former long time friend and business partner.  Bass then did the unthinkable.  He took off his belt buckle and proceeded to bash Dusty in the face, lacerating him which turned his face into a crimson mask.  Dusty was knocked out.  Harley Race dragged his arm on top of Dusty and Bass made the three count.  Harley Race left Florida with the World's Heavyweight Title still around his waist.  It seemed that the friendship between Bass and Rhodes was over.  Dusty claimed that this moment was his lowest point in his life.  
At the conclusion of the match, Dusty was asking Bass," Why, why, how can you do this Ronny?"  Bass then added insult to injury and again took off his belt buckle and pounded Dusty in the head.  The fans threw debris in the ring at their disgust and shock.   Several wrestlers came from the dressing room to help Dusty to the back.  

Dusty then went to confront Bass in the dressing room area.  He again asked him why he had turned his back on the American Dream.  Bass again attacked Dusty and had to be restrained by Blackjack Mulligan and Barry Windham.  Bass then attacked Mulligan and Windham and left the arena in an awaiting car.  What happened to Ron Bass to cause him to attack Dusty Rhodes during the World Title Match?  More...

KM DVD/VHS Store 4
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KM Replica Masks 4
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KM Store 4
The KM Store now features products featuring the GCW logo as well as some other very cool images.  To see what's new and to purchase T-Shirts, ball caps, mouse pads and more, click here
KM Message Board 4

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KM Belt Gallery 4

This section contains an extensive title belt gallery... images of heavyweight, tag, U.S. and various regional title belts.  To view it, click here.

Old School Tape Review 4

Reviews of various PPV's, commercial tapes and regional wrestling TV shows are available in this section. To read more, click here.


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