MACW #38 Page #2

The shocking thing was the fact that both the heels were wearing their civilian clothes! The Mauler was wearing all black with a heavy black jacket but the Brute looked real scary. He was wearing blue jeans, an old work shirt and a very groovy suede vest with hanging fringe. The Brute looked like he dressed to pick up all the hot chicks. So The Mauler started in on Apollo saying that this is wrestling not art school. Harville and Apollo started to explain that he was invited to be there. I figured this was the time where the paintings were going to get trashed but I was totally wrong. Suddenly, the Brute attacked Apollo from behind and began to trash him. The Mauler held down Apollo's arm and Brute began to stomp his painting hand. As the Brute began to stomp on Apollo, the Mauler began yelling, "Get him! Get the Little Painter! Little Painter! Little Painter!"

Brute Bernard began to use his cowboy boots on Apollo's arm and hand and of course he began screaming that famous yell.

You know, I knew these guys loved art and they were trying to protect the public by stopping Apollo from ever painting again. The Missouri Mauler and Brute Bernard were both wrestlers and art critics, who knew?

Next week Apollo came out and wrestled with a cast on his arm and he wore a cast for about two years. Apollo must have had the same serious break that Ole Anderson had because Ole had a cast on for at least twenty years.


The Royal Kangaroos.

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